You can also work with Texts and Photos, for example by creating a:
Blog Post
What? | Write a blog post about a certain topic |
How? | Text (best length for a blog post is around 1,500 words) + Include further links, hints and pictures. |
Self-learning / Online-Quiz
What? | Produce 8-10 questions as an eLearning quiz |
How? | Pick minimum three different question formats. Create the questions with a subsequent following feedback with explanations. Make sure to include the readings. Here you find tips how to create a quiz on Google Formular: https://support.google.com/docs/answer/7032287?hl=en&ref_topic=6063584. |
Position paper of an Organization on a conflict
What? | Position paper in name of an international/regional/local organization or a country which refers to a certain conflict |
How? | Central questions: How does the organization define the conflict? Who is affected by the conflict? Who are the conflict parties? What are the interests of the conflict parties? What is the aim of the organization? How could the conflict be solved? Structure: 1. Short introduction of the organization 2. Conflict description from the viewpoint of the organization: actors, dynamics, causes, consequences 3. Mediation approach of the organization: instruments and aims 4. Political demands |
Example: | http://www.nmun.uni-wuerzburg.de/ehemalige-delegationen/delegation-2010-qatar/unser-land/position-paper-united-nations-childrens-fund/ |