Northern Ireland: Powersharing & Peacebuilding
What is the conflict in Northern Ireland about? What are the main causes of the conflict and what are the possible resolutions for the conflict? – These and other questions are addressed in this digital output.
This student video explains the conflict in Northern Uganda, starting with an introduction on the history of the landlocked country in East Africa. The second half of the video deals with the peace process between the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and…
This student presentation provides information on Colombia’s “Forcing Peace”, the background of the conflict, the national and international actors and the peace process. The students also examined what the situation is like today and…
The student taskforce explains the Bougainville conflict, its peace negotiation process up to the Bougainville Referendum in 2019 and why women have been so important in the peace negotiations…
Peace process in Ethiopia and Eritrea
This student video deals with the peace process that resolved the conflict between Eritrea and Ethiopia, which lasted more than 60 years and is known as the longest conflict in Africa…
This student group talks about the course, causes and conflict resolution approaches for the crisis in Darfur, a region in western Sudan. They show how climate change affects the conflict and what can be done to alleviate the situation…

Negotiation and Mediation: Greece and North Macedonia
Based on of the concepts of negotiation and mediation, the student group takes a close look at the history, the actors and the peace negotiation and mediation process between Greece and North Macedonia…
Lebanon: Interreligious Dialogue
Based on background information on the history and the conflict in Lebanon, this presentation focuses on the reconciliation process in Lebanon, its failure, the role of inter-religious dialogue and what Lebanon looks…

To understand the Tibet-China conflict, the student group goes far back into history, explains the interests of China and Tibet, the role of nonviolence and why there is a lack of intervention by external actors. They further provide insights…
This student group explores the work of Community Peace Leaders along different categories: their values, analytic style, behavior, personality and motivation. They also…
Technology in Conflict Resolution
What does technology have to do with conflict resolution? The students’ presentations show how technology has been used by sharing various examples: computer influences in…
Conciliation resources and HD Centre
Starting with the types and phases of mediation, this student group looks at the international organization “Conciliation Resources”, its goals and focus and how it worked in the case of negotiating peace in…