Category: Migration
Between Containment and Cosmopolitanism
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“A physical real movement is something that is absolutely critical to what it means to be a modern, full citizen.” – Prof. Loren B. Landau. Loren B. Landau from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg explains migration dynamics and governance within and from sub-Saharan Africa. He shows what future mobility and governance frameworks could look like and how they could influence migration with...
Global Migration
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Dr. Beth Whitaker, Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, deals with the topic of global migration. Using various examples from different countries, she explains conventional wisdoms of migration, recent trends in African migration and what lessons can be drawn from the African migration response to migration worldwide. Speaker: Dr. Beth Whitaker Da...
Fortresses, Borders and Borderlands
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Dr. Chris Nshimbi shares his knowledge about borders, fortresses and borderlands. He defines these concepts, explains the characteristics of borders, which range from linking transnational identities to representing sights of contest and conflict. He also provides insights into his experiences in border areas on the African and European continent and into the impact borders have on further issues such as hu...
1.44K Views0 Comments0 Likes
Was haben Donald Trump, Sarah Wagenknecht und Björn Höcke gemeinsam? Alle drei wurden schon mal als Populisten bezeichnet. Aber was ist das überhaupt, Populismus? Warum finden Menschen, auch junge Menschen, populistische Politikerinnen und Politiker so attaktiv, dass sie dafür wählen? Und welche Folgen hat das für politische Systeme, wenn – wie in den letzten Jahren passiert – Populismus erfolgreich is...
Migration Governance
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Why do people migrate? Who is defined as a migrant? What does migration governance mean? Why is it important? Which global fundamental agreements for migration governance exist? In this video our students explain the fundamental aspects of migration governance. Date: 27.09.2018 Length: 13:16 Category: Africa, Europe, Migration Governance